Dusk and Mellow instructions
1/4 can of z/d wet food & 1/4 can of tuna for both cats.
Both can be found on the bottom shelf of the pantry cupboard.
Use transparent plastic bowls and place in the white feeding stations at either end of the kitchen space.
Wash the bowls with the green sponge before adding new feed.
Add small amount of water to both bowls to create a soup-like consistency.
Some of the tuna brine can also be added.
Insert a plastic syringe into the bottle of Thyronorm and invert the bottle before extracting 1.5ml liquid.
The bottle of Thyronorm can be located in the fridge, and the syringe on the dish mat.
Squirt into Dusk’s bowl and mix.
Rinse the syringe & place on dish mat to dry.
Return Thyronorm to the fridge.
Same as the above, except:
1/4 tablet of Amlodipine to be given with creamy cat treat.
Creamy cat treats located on the bottom shelf of the pantry cupboard.
Place 1/4 tablet on plastic spoon.
Plastic spoon can be located on the dish mat.
Squeeze creamy cat treat on to the spoon & allow Dusk to lick the spoon clean.
In most instances, the tablet will disappear along with the food. If it doesn’t’, you
Toileting/general mess creation
Cleaning the litter boxes
The litter boxes are located in the powder room & bathroom.
They generally require cleaning 1–2x/day.
Scoop tofu litter clumps & faeces into the toilet bowls & flush.
Small amounts at a time; e.g., place a small amount in the bowl, flush, place next scoop, and flush again.
Other messes
The cats may occasionally vomit hairballs/food/liquid.
There are sanitary wipes under the cupboard & paper towel next to the fridge, along with cleaning spray in the kitchen.
Do not flush the wipes.